Full Letter of Support

Teton County Commissioner:

May 7, 2024

I have known Brad Wolfe for many years, and have had occasion to interact with him both personally, and professionally during that time. During all of these interactions, I have found him to be a sincere, honest, dedicated and caring person, who at all times exhibited a conscientious approach to whatever tasks he was attempting to accomplish. While serving as the City Attorney in Driggs, I had occasion to come in contact with thousands of people from the Valley, so I consider myself to be well versed in human nature and the good people of Teton County. Brad is one of the people I consider to be an example of the best qualities of humanity. During his time serving as a council member for the City of Rexburg, and over the many years I’ve known him, he has impressed me with his motivation and drive, and his ability to accomplish good things.

In addition to his excellent work ethic, which I have observed, he exhibits many community conscious qualities, such as giving of his time to assist with community projects, and generally taking an interest in the community as a whole. He has always exhibited a keen interest in the political events that were shaping our times and expressed insightful views relating to these events during our many conversations.

On a more personal level, I have visited with Brad on many occasions about his life and the events that have transpired to shape him to this point. I can sincerely say that Brad Wolfe is an individual whom I consider to have insight into the human psyche that surpasses many, and that I would not hesitate to put my trust in him relative to personal matters affecting life altering decisions. I consider Brad to be a man with a balanced approach to life. A man with the requisite understanding of compassion and common sense necessary to serve Teton County.

Most importantly, I consider Brad Wolfe to be a friend, a leader among his peers, an individual to whom anyone can look for sound judgment and a man of the highest moral character.

Stephen P. Zollinger
Recovering Former Driggs City Attorney